Hello! My name is Britnee Harvey and I am excited to join the Cairn Guidance team as a Project Director! I am really looking forward to expanding my work with Cairn Guidance, as I have been contracting with Cairn Guidance as a Cadre Trainer for the Dove Self-Esteem Project for the past four years. Additionally, I look forward to meeting with clients to support programming, professional development and advocating for policy change and implementation. Read ▸ about Welcome to our new Project Director!
DSEP Appearance Discrimination Webinars
Join us for one of two webinars November 30 or December 9 to dicsuss the new Appearance Discrimination lesson written by Cairn Guidance!The new appearance discrimination lesson was developed as an extension lesson to the existing 5-lesson program, Confident Me, designed for educators to use in the classroom. This new lesson provides a thoughtful understanding for students around appearance discrimination – including racism, sexism, hair discrimination, ableism, colorism/shadeism, and sizeism – Read ▸ about DSEP Appearance Discrimination Webinars
Dove Self-Esteem Program Appearance Discrimination Lesson Launch
The NEW Dove Self-Esteem Project appearance discrimination lesson was developed as an extension lesson to the existing 5-lesson program, Confident Me, designed for educators to use in the classroom. This new lesson provides a thoughtful understanding for students around appearance discrimination – including racism, sexism, hair discrimination, ableism, colorism/shadeism and sizeism – and how these things can impact body confidence and self-esteem. Students are then provided resources and support Read ▸ about Dove Self-Esteem Program Appearance Discrimination Lesson Launch
Cairn Team Member Celebrating 5 Years Today!
I want to recognize Samantha Lowe, an employee of Cairn Guidance for five years with us today! Sam interviewed in the fall of 2016 and I knew she’d be a great fit. She came on board as an Executive Assistant, moved into the role of a Support Specialist and is starting her new position as the Senior Manager of Operations & Measurement November 1. Her new position means she’ll be taking on more of a leadership role within Cairn Guidance, ensuring all of our systems work efficiently and Read ▸ about Cairn Team Member Celebrating 5 Years Today!
Perseverance… Moving It Forward with Confidence
By Antionette Meeks of Cairn Guidance, a Dove Self-Esteem Project Partner The dictionary, Merriam-Webster, defines perseverance as “continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering: steadfastness”It’s been a long 18+ months since COVID-19 changed the way of the world. Many businesses were shuttered and citizens were asked to stay home. Schools largely moved from in-person to virtual learning. Face Read ▸ about Perseverance… Moving It Forward with Confidence
Core Capacity for Focusing on the Whole Child
When we talk about what schools might do during and even after a pandemic to shift our thinking and prioritize the health and well-being of our kids and staff, I’d suggest considering the pieces I see as core capacity activities. I’ve described these core capacity pieces below. Stay tuned for a public launch of our new product, called Blaze Approach in which we offer support (professional development and technical assistance) in these areas below, to schools, districts and Departments of Read ▸ about Core Capacity for Focusing on the Whole Child
Skills-Based Health Education Virtual Training Series!
Build your capacity to teach the health skills outlined in the National Health Education Standards and support student social emotional learning, mental health, and health literacy! Cairn Guidance and RMC Health are excited to announce our Deep Dive into the National Health Education Standards Virtual Training Series. The intended audience includes K-12 heath teachers, curriculum specialists, instructional coaches, school counselors and school nurses teaching health education. This series is Read ▸ about Skills-Based Health Education Virtual Training Series!
The Dove Self-Esteem Project: Helping Students Navigate Media Literacy and Creating a Body Positive Culture
Cairn Guidance and the Dove Self-Esteem Project were glad to provide a Lunch ‘n Learn and Theatre sessions at SHAPE America’s 2021 virtual national conference.The Lunch ‘n Learn entitled “Helping Students Navigate Media Literacy” was packed with great information shared by a panel of professionals from around the United States. The panel, led by Cairn Guidance’s Jess Lawrence, included Gavin Washington, a university professor of health and physical education; Missy Smith, an elementary school Read ▸ about The Dove Self-Esteem Project: Helping Students Navigate Media Literacy and Creating a Body Positive Culture