Leading schools and communities on paths to health by creating guidance, support and partnerships.
Cairn /ke(ə)rn/ (noun)
Definition: A mound of rough stones built as a memorial or landmark. A guide on a hiking trail or path
Just as a pile of rough stones guide hikers through the wilderness, we mark clear paths by guiding schools and communities looking to improve health and educational outcomes.

Our mission is to create places of health and well-being where all people are healthy, connected and have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
We believe that…
The core of a community is how it functions as a collaborative entity to elevate all of its members.
We work to…
Connect and position schools, government entities, non-profits, health systems, and community organizations to enact systems change and evidence-based strategies to advance the dual goals of health and learning.

Latest Blogs
- Cultivating Healthy Futures: Cairn Guidance & The Power of Health & Education for Student Wellness on All Access with Andy GarciaIn April, the Cairn Guidance team will be traveling to the All Access with Andy Garcia studios to film a segment called, Cultivating Healthy Futures: Cairn Guidance & The Power of Health & Education for Student Wellness on All Access with Andy Garcia. We are excited to have been selected for this opportunity to talk about our workRead ▸ about Cultivating Healthy Futures: Cairn Guidance & The Power of Health & Education for Student Wellness on All Access with Andy Garcia
- Hair Love: Confidence, Culture, and Power of RepresentationAuthor: Shamelle Ingram Yemofio, Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre Member from Maryland $2.5 billion. That’s the current value of the African American hair industry, and it’s projected to hit $4.5 billion by 2034. Why? One reason is that Black women spend 9 times more on ethnic hair products than non-Black consumers. Guilty! My bathroom closet? BasicallyRead ▸ about Hair Love: Confidence, Culture, and Power of Representation