Written by Britnee Weatherspoon, Danielle Petrucci, John Lakshmanan, Michelle Rawcliffe, and Tara Cooper, Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre Trainers The Dove Self-Esteem Project is a program started nearly two decades ago by Dove to increase body confidence and self-esteem in young people around the globe via educational tools and resources. To date, the Dove Self-Esteem Project has reached more than 60 million young people with a goal to reach a quarter of a billion by 2030. Read ▸ about Utilization of the Dove Self-Esteem Project – Fitting It Into Your Curriculum
Mindful of Our Boys, Their Bodies, and Their Minds
Written by Monica L. Coleman, Ebony Section, and Michelle White, Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre TrainersDuring the last few years, the Dove Self-Esteem Project has worked throughout the United States to connect educators to its Confident Me! no-cost, researched curriculum, which focuses on body confidence and self-esteem for middle schoolers. Regardless of where our team has ventured to share the curriculum, we have found it quite common for those who are interested in our work to think Read ▸ about Mindful of Our Boys, Their Bodies, and Their Minds
Amazing Me Pilot Opportunity (4th & 5th grade Teachers Needed!)
What is the Amazing Me Program?The Amazing Me Research Study is a partnership between Arizona State University and the Dove Self Esteem Project. Together with teachers, we have developed an evidence-based curriculum to build body confidence and self-esteem, and reduce appearance-related bullying and teasing in 4th and 5th graders. Appearance-related bullying and teasing is common among children, yet not addressed in current prevention programs. This program includes 6 activities (45 minutes Read ▸ about Amazing Me Pilot Opportunity (4th & 5th grade Teachers Needed!)
Webinar on Remote Lessons on Body Confidence
We are offering a free Webinar on Tuesday, September 22 at 7pm!Have you found yourself planning for remote or at-home instruction for your students? If so, we have three mini-lessons, designed for remote learning for middle school students. This webinar will briefly go over those lessons and include how to access them!For those that participate in the entire 45 minute webinar, we'll collect names at the end of the session and 5 educators will be randomly selected from that list to be sent a Read ▸ about Webinar on Remote Lessons on Body Confidence
What is Body Talk? Developing Language That Values Our Students
Written by Dawn Graff-Haight, Kylie Pybus, and Angie Rodgers, Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre TrainersOne of the goals set forth by the Dove Self Esteem Project is to foster self-esteem and body confidence by helping students eliminate body talk. There is growing acknowledgment that emphasis on physical appearance and brand name apparel can negatively impact student self-esteem.Body Talk that is seen as positive such as, “You look like you’ve lost weight!” and negative body talk such as, “I Read ▸ about What is Body Talk? Developing Language That Values Our Students
Technology Resource Document for Transitioning to a Virtual Classroom
By Jo Geddes, KY SHAPE Health Education Cadre TrainerDue to the Covid-19 pandemic, many schools are changing their entry plans in August to in-person learning, hybrid learning, and distance learning. No matter what situation your school district chose, teachers will be using technology as they create new lessons. If you are only teaching through remote learning like myself, I have to rely on technology resources now more than ever to create innovative health lessons for my Read ▸ about Technology Resource Document for Transitioning to a Virtual Classroom
Systems Simulations Being Offered Virtually In Fall!
We have officially scheduled virtual training dates for the two Systems Simulations!Have you ever been interested in systems thinking approaches, intersectionality of the ten Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child components, understanding how to address resistance & create buy-in and leadership development opportunities? If so, we are offering both the Making Change Happen & Systems Thinking; Systems Changing simulations virtually! To learn about Read ▸ about Systems Simulations Being Offered Virtually In Fall!
What Your Children Can Learn in Health Education This Year
So many scenarios… remote learning? Synchronous instruction? Asynchronous instruction? Hybrid? In person with social distancing and/or masks?Whatever it looks like in your community, there should be a health teacher or two, or three in each school. And, there probably isn’t. The history of the American education system is bleak when we look at our journey through the lens of the whole child. Whole child means that school systems educate the child with all of their needs in mind- nourishment Read ▸ about What Your Children Can Learn in Health Education This Year