Yesterday I posted a list of resources specific to the field of K-12 school health education. Today, I'm going to share a list of resources within the larger field of school health that I refer to regularly. I know there are many more out there. I'll attempt to categorize for ease of finding information! If you have others to share, email me and I'll add them to this post! PartnershipsPartnering for Success: How Health Departments Work and How to Work with Health Departments- This is a great Read ▸ about Resources to Support School Health
Resources to Support K-12 School Health Education
I have had a folder on my computer for over ten years now that is called "Much-Used Documents." I'm not sure that is an accurate way to use the English language, however, the folder name has stuck. In it, I have my go-to favorite resources, tools, documents, materials. It's a quick way to access what I need when I need it. Today, I'll list the tools that I refer to often for Health Education. Tomorrow, I'll list those tools I use for broader school health work. My hope is that you, the reader Read ▸ about Resources to Support K-12 School Health Education
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
For those of you in the right place at the right time, you may be able to attend one of these speaking engagements I'm speaking at or facilitating! Listed in order of occurrence.1. Leadership Louisville's Best of Leadership Summit, March 17-18I'm presenting a Ted-style talk during the 3-4:30 breakout session entitled, "Storytellers: A Next Generation Perspective". "Do Something Extraordinary" will focus on the six life lessons I learned on my 4,197 mile solo bicycle journey across the Read ▸ about Upcoming Speaking Engagements
Franklin County Public Schools
A good friend and colleague of mine, Audra, is a middle school health and PE teacher in Frankfort, Kentucky. Recently, Audra was visiting me in Louisville for a late Sunday lunch and we got on the topic of health education and lack of professional development (PD) opportunities for her district. It's not that her administration doesn't support health and PE. It's that there aren't dollars to provide strong PD in both areas. And, with more PD days cut over the years, not much time. And, when that Read ▸ about Franklin County Public Schools
Dominic’s Life
I see his photo for the first time and I immediately feel like he's a part of me. Is it because I know he's my nephew or is it that seeing his photo registers physical familiarity in my brain? Either way, I'm an aunt now. I don't have my own children and so this feels as close to having one of your own, which I know really isn't close at all. But nonetheless, I'm excited to be an aunt. His name is Dominic Cordeiro Lawrence and he was born today, March 5. What do I hope for my nephew's life? Read ▸ about Dominic’s Life
Gearing Up for School Health- Webinar!
I'm facilitating a webinar hosted by SPARK on Wednesday, March 19 at 3pm PST/6pm EST! More information on how to register to come, but see description below. Feel free to share with others.“Riding the Path to a Comprehensive School Health Program”You can’t ride a bicycle unless all the parts are working. In addition, the parts need to work cohesively for a smooth ride to your destination. A successful comprehensive school health program (CSHP) must have multiple components working Read ▸ about Gearing Up for School Health- Webinar!
10 Questions to Ask When Hiring District Superintendents and School Administrators
Do you believe in the link between health and learning? Do you support the notion that healthy kids learn better? As I dig into more and more research on what creates effective, sustainable school health programs, you know what keeps coming up? Administrative support. District-wide implementation. Superintendents taking the lead and saying, "My district will work on school health initiatives because I know there is a correlation between addressing staff and student wellness and test scores, Read ▸ about 10 Questions to Ask When Hiring District Superintendents and School Administrators
Reading, reading and more reading
As a child, I struggled as a reader. My mom loved to read and I remember her taking my brother and I on weekly visits to the library. We would come back with a stack of books. My books would sit collecting dust most of the week, untouched until heading back the following week to return the books and check out new ones. My brother's pile, however, were all over the house. He read these books in his bed, on the orange shag carpet in the den, in the car, on the toilet (I guess?!?). I was more of a Read ▸ about Reading, reading and more reading