For years, I've attended the Oregon chapter of this same organization. It's the professional organization for educators and faculty in school health education, physical education, recreation and dance. It was my first year attending the KAHPERD conference and I was impressed. Sunday kicked off with a free pre-training (about 60 in attendance!) on the Presidential Youth Fitness Program. It is a free program developed to ensure what happens before, during and after the fitness Read ▸ about Kentucky Association for Health, PE Recreation and Dance (KAHPERD)
Addressing Mental Health in High School
In January of 2013, I met a man named Harris Schwartzberg who was asked to speak on the mental health panel at Clinton Foundation's Health Matters conference in Palm Springs. I was the content lead for the event, which meant I supported and helped guide/manage panelists to share their story, passion and commitments that would collectively result in promoting the health and well-being of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Panels included topics around Living Healthy, Health Transformation and Read ▸ about Addressing Mental Health in High School
Introducing… Charisse Poynter!
Cairn Guidance Consulting is continuously growing. As a part of this continued growth, we have begun hiring a support team. With that being said, I am very proud to welcome Charisse Poynter, the newest member to Cairn Guidance’s team! As the new Executive Assistant for Cairn Read ▸ about Introducing… Charisse Poynter!
American School Health Association Conference
ASHA's new identity! I took full advantage of being back in Portland for the third time in 3 months, this time at the American School Health Association Conference. Being that I just moved from there to Kentucky less than a year ago, there were plenty of people to connect with, but I focused on my own professional development and networking while in downtown Portland.I was asked by Linda Morse, President of ASHA and Lee Lowery, ASHA Read ▸ about American School Health Association Conference
Southern Obesity Summit- Day 2
My alarm goes off at 5:20am. I don’t even press the snooze button because I’m super excited to lead the 6am, 4.5 mile run from the conference hotel in downtown Louisville over the Big Four Bridge (no, seriously… I am excited!). I lie there curious to know if anyone will even show up and wonder to myself, if they don’t, will I still run or come back home and crawl into bed? I get dressed, eat a hardboiled egg, drink some tea and walk the 3 blocks from where I live in downtown Louisville to the Read ▸ about Southern Obesity Summit- Day 2
Southern Obesity Summit- Day 1
“It’s just a question of changing political will.” — Larry Cohen, Executive Director, Prevention Institute A fabulous panel of experts from a variety of backgrounds in obesity work and from across the US opened the 8th Annual Southern Obesity Summit in Louisville, Kentucky last night. Dr. Stephanie Mayfield Gibson, Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Public Health set the stage by sharing what’s happening in Kentucky, both from data and programmatic perspectives, Read ▸ about Southern Obesity Summit- Day 1
Application Transfer
I find it fascinating when the work we do, experiences we have and the products we design transfer into another project or component of our lives.Years ago, Ecumenical Industries of Oregon received a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to develop a needs assessment tool to help faith-based organizations address healthy eating and physical activity within their faith-based environments. I was brought on board to help adapt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's School Health Read ▸ about Application Transfer
Supporting Sustainability
Honoring schools in Prince Georges County Public Schools who have sustained their school health programs a year after their direct technical assistance has ended. Sean Slade from ASCD sharing that in order to get students to Read ▸ about Supporting Sustainability