Middle School educators! We are partnering with the Dove Self Esteem Project to build a national cadre of health/PE teachers, school nurses and school counselors that work at the middle school level and are interested in helping promote this FREE body confidence curriculum. Our goal is to reach 1.5 million youth with this program in 2017. In order to do that, we are building capacity by selecting Ambassadors from many regions of the US in order to reach more educators. To read more about Read ▸ about Building a National Cadre of Trainers!
Upcoming HECAT Training of Trainers in Washington DC
After a much- needed vacation this upcoming week, I will be facilitating a Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool training for the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education. Twenty lead educators supporting school health/health education will participate in a two-day training of trainers (ToT) to equip them with the skills and knowledge to effectively train, teach, and utilize the tool to write lessons, units, develop a scope and sequence, analyze current curricula programs, align Read ▸ about Upcoming HECAT Training of Trainers in Washington DC
We are hiring!
Cairn Guidance is working with the Dove (Unilever) Self Esteem Program to spread implementation of a middle school curriculum program developed to help young people develop a positive relationship with the way they look (body confidence). The Dove Confident Me Project has been implemented in over 112 countries and Cairn Guidance is charged with bringing the curriculum to young people in the United States. It is generally implemented in middle school health classes and there are two programs Read ▸ about We are hiring!
New Year, New Goals
Recently, Cairn Guidance has taken an initiative to ensure all staff are reaching their full potential by supporting an environment of physical and mental wellness, while encouraging personal and professional life balance. This was accomplished by all staff members completing a personal wellness plan, consisting of three long-term yearly goals. While some view New Year's resolutions as setting yourself up to fail, I do not agree. While long term goals are less likely to be achieved, you just Read ▸ about New Year, New Goals
Peace and Joy from Cairn Guidance
Dear School & Community Health Partners,Happy Holidays & Happy New Year from the Cairn Guidance Team! As exciting as it is to grow our team, it means increased hours, more meetings, and of course, more stress. 2017 will be an exciting year for us as we have internally committed to participating in two team wellness events and individually, three personal balance goals.Our team is working on how we take care of ourselves so that we can continue to be present, commit the time and energy Read ▸ about Peace and Joy from Cairn Guidance
Metaphors for Sex Education
By Samantha LoweDuring my master’s studies at Morehead State University I oversaw the Human Sexuality Research Lab, where we focused on young adult’s ability to speak metaphorically about sexual and non-sexual stimuli. While the Human Sexuality side of the research was my passion, it was my mentor/university mother/lab director who turned me on to the educational use of metaphoric language. Below is my final research project from my Master’s studies, this research was first presented at the Read ▸ about Metaphors for Sex Education
Balance During the Holidays
Last month, the Cairn Guidance team spent two days working on our new five year strategic plan. We came up with three big strategic directions, including:Positioning for Growth and Sustainability;Equipping Educators to Institute School Health; andBuilding a Team Culture of Wellness and Balance. Read ▸ about Balance During the Holidays
What Last Week’s Election Means to Our Work
Liz Thorne is new to Cairn Guidance as the VP of Policy and Programs. She will be regularly posting on this blog.I started writing my introductory post many times over the last several weeks. Then, after last Tuesday, I had to start over. Don’t worry—this isn’t another politically charged exposition that has been flooding your inbox and social media feed. But it would be disingenuous of me to ignore the fact that a lot of folks across this country are worried about what the future might Read ▸ about What Last Week’s Election Means to Our Work