Written by Brett Delaney, Middle School Health Teacher, Coach and Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre Trainer with Cairn Guidance, a Dove Self-Esteem PartnerI am a father to three young girls. I coach softball and teach middle school students. Self-esteem, body image, and body confidence are topics addressed on a daily basis with all the women and girls in my life. What I have noticed in any conversation about self-esteem everyone, including my students, related it back to women and Read ▸ about Why I Choose to Promote the Dove Self-Esteem Project – From a Male Perspective
The Price of Joining the 100 Club
By Monica Coleman, Dove Self-Esteem Cadre TrainerWritten by Cairn Guidance in partnership with the Dove Self-Esteem ProjectThe way we look at ourselves and others has changed dramatically with social media and tools used to engage with the world online. We have replaced our pocket mirrors with the selfie function of our cell phones and made habits of posting our self-checks online for all to see. Filters, angles, and edits help erase any blemish and accentuate features beyond their Read ▸ about The Price of Joining the 100 Club
We Can Affirm AND Challenge Young People
By Liz ThorneA recent article in the Atlantic explored gender and the intersections of adolescent development, medical care, and parenting. Through the experiences of young people, trans and gender non-conforming folks, families and researchers, the article explores the central question of how to balance providing young people the support (from family support and mental health services to puberty-blocking drugs, hormones and/or surgery) they need while keeping in mind that adolescence is a time Read ▸ about We Can Affirm AND Challenge Young People
Negative Social Determinants of Health; How Can We Make an Impact?
By Samantha LoweAt-risk youth have strong negative Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), which include conditions in which you are born, grow, live, work and age. SDoH include biology and genetics, individual behavior, social environment, physical environment, and access of health services.Supporting at-risk youth is of the utmost importance as they are less likely to have access to health care, health education, and formal sex education. Educating and equipping youth with personal safety, Read ▸ about Negative Social Determinants of Health; How Can We Make an Impact?
Meet Nanci Coolen, DSEP Regional Incentive Award Winning Middle School Physical Educator
By Antionette Meeks of Cairn Guidance, a Dove Self-Esteem Project Partner “I am the luckiest teacher in the world! I teach 150 middle school girls and they are awesome!”” Nanci Coolen is a middle school physical education teacher in the state of Hawaii. She has been teaching middle school for fifteen years. If there is anything she has noticed, it is that girls need to learn how to develop confidence and love themselves. She believes her Read ▸ about Meet Nanci Coolen, DSEP Regional Incentive Award Winning Middle School Physical Educator
2018 Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre Trainers
Cairn Guidance is pleased to introduce the 2018 Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) National Cadre of Trainers. These 21 professionals are located in every region of the United States and represent 18 states. They work in the fields of education (health and physical education), school nursing, school counseling and prevention. Schools, school district offices, state agencies and local and state organizations are where they are located. A few even own their own businesses or consult in Read ▸ about 2018 Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre Trainers
Stop Rewarding for Perfect Attendance
“What messages are parents and the school sending when we are rewarding coming to school 100% of days? The message is this: We want you at school no matter what it takes. ” About a year ago, I attended a graduation for an elementary school in which students received recognition and awards for perfect attendance. Granted, the two students who won received bicycles (yah for promoting a health recognition gift versus a Pizza Hut gift card), however I want to address how this Read ▸ about Stop Rewarding for Perfect Attendance
An Argument for Media Literacy within Middle School Sex Education
By Samantha LoweMedia literacy refers to the ability to check if your source is creditable and ensure the information you are reading is accurate and based in science. And, it’s becoming increasingly more important. The skill of media literacy should be applied to all information you read on the internet but often people tend to believe whatever they read, credible or not. We often address “fake” news/information in adult populations, but what about adolescents? Young teens and teens are even Read ▸ about An Argument for Media Literacy within Middle School Sex Education