Written by Cairn Guidance, a Dove Self-Esteem Project PartnerIn recent weeks, our students were playing on playgrounds or recreation fields, participating in organized sports, visiting with friends and relatives, hanging out at a favorite spot, going to the movies, hugging those who are special to them, and going to their school buildings, to name a few. In the blink of an eye, their worlds changed dramatically. Unexpectedly, we are faced with a pandemic.In a time of crisis, schools Read ▸ about Adjusting to a New Normal
Health Education Standards – Focus on Student Health & Well-Being in Times of Crisis
Guest blog by Kevin Lorson, Wright State University & OAHPERD Advocacy ChairThe following blog post was initially developed to support OAHPERD’s advocacy efforts to become the 50th state with state health education standards. OAHPERD shared this post with Ohio’s state lawmakers so they can better understand the role of health education in the Coronavirus pandemic. Ohio’s teachers also found it useful as they developed online lessons and supports for their students. It is hard to Read ▸ about Health Education Standards – Focus on Student Health & Well-Being in Times of Crisis
Our SHAPE America Workshops- Offered Virtually!
If you’re like me, you are super disappointed in the spring cancellations of events, workshops and conventions. However, during this pandemic, our health and safety is most important. My team was planning on offering a few different sessions at SHAPE America this year during the week of April 20. In lieu of this convention’s cancellation, we’d like to offer adapted sessions via webinars online. They will be recorded if you aren’t able to join live. We’ll post these webinars to our YouTube Read ▸ about Our SHAPE America Workshops- Offered Virtually!
Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Health Education Prompts
Yesterday, I was scheduled to facilitate the KY SHAPE health education cadre meeting and plan for future professional development events and workshop. However, when I woke up, I decided to throw the agenda out (with permission from the trainers, of course). My idea was to utilize the 8 of us to write simple prompts that teachers might use, or send home during non-traditional instructional days. These prompts are not formal lessons, and some may not be feasibly implemented by your community of Read ▸ about Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Health Education Prompts
Our Kids Will Change the World
Kailey Mayo is a K-8 school counselor located in Montana. She was one of the national winners of the 2018 Incentive Award from Cairn Guidance in partnership with the Dove Self-Esteem Project. As a national winner, Kailey attended an all-expenses 2019 national professional conference of her choice. Kailey chose to attend the 2019 American School Counselors Association conference.Since our school serves kindergarten through 8th grade, I have the unique experience of literally growing Read ▸ about Our Kids Will Change the World
Middle School: Tough Times…. Or Not
Written by Laura Ross, Middle School Counselor, former Dove Self-Esteem Project Cadre Trainer with Cairn Guidance, a Dove Self-Esteem Project Partner, and her state’s 2018 School Counselor of the Year Middle school can be a tough time for adolescents. They are figuring out who they are in the world apart from their parents, trying to find the place that they belong among their peers, wondering what type of future will be ahead of them, and looking to see if they measure up with the world Read ▸ about Middle School: Tough Times…. Or Not
Systems Change Simulations!
Cairn Guidance is thrilled to announce that we have acquired the exclusive rights to the Making Change Happen and the Systems Thinking; Systems Changing Simulations that were developed by The Network Inc! We have been facilitating these simulations for almost twenty years and are excited to take them into the next twenty. Stay tuned for more information on our website early in 2020!The research-based simulation games bring to life the challenges associated with organizational change and how to Read ▸ about Systems Change Simulations!
Mental Health in Schools Through the Lens of the Whole Child
We are excited to share a new resource focused on mental health through the lens of the WSCC Framework. This project, that was completed in collaboration with The Jed Foundation (JED), a non-profit that works to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults, and with support from Matchstick Consulting, approaches the work of promoting mental health and preventing suicide comprehensively. The WSCC Framework is comprehensive and emphasizes the need for Read ▸ about Mental Health in Schools Through the Lens of the Whole Child