Cairn Guidance is thrilled to announce that we have acquired the exclusive rights to the Making Change Happen and the Systems Thinking; Systems Changing Simulations that were developed by The Network Inc! We have been facilitating these simulations for almost twenty years and are excited to take them into the next twenty. Stay tuned for more information on our website early in 2020!The research-based simulation games bring to life the challenges associated with organizational change and how to Read ▸ about Systems Change Simulations!
Systems Simulations
Genuineness and Accessibility
Yesterday was what I call, a "home day". Those days, I have the opportunity to focus on local meetings and work. Most of my consulting business keeps me in my office (when not traveling 50% of the time) working in, with and on communities from afar. Yesterday was a Louisville day. Which is exciting considering I just relocated here in November. I started my day with a walk over to tea at a place downtown with a new friend, Sarah, who works in Congressman Yarmouth's office. I met her at a New2Lou Read ▸ about Genuineness and Accessibility