Cairn Guidance is thrilled to announce that we have acquired the exclusive rights to the Making Change Happen and the Systems Thinking; Systems Changing Simulations that were developed by The Network Inc! We have been facilitating these simulations for almost twenty years and are excited to take them into the next twenty. Stay tuned for more information on our website early in 2020!
The research-based simulation games bring to life the challenges associated with organizational change and how to overcome them. By playing the games, leaders and staff alike learn to collaboratively shepherd people through effective longterm changes. Participants working toward change learn that in order to succeed, individual transformation from within, combined with an understanding of the impacts on their colleagues, needs to take place. Through these simulations, where the teams act as outside consultants, that goal becomes achievable.
Simulations make change possible because they…
Are authentic imitations of reality where there’s no clear cut way to win, but plenty of learning opportunities along the way.
Encourage safe learning spaces where inquisitiveness and collaboration are strongly encouraged without any real-life consequence or risk.
Involve you in problem solving and dialogue with colleagues about real issues you face and choices you have to make.
Remind you that change happens through people who respond in different ways to transitions.
Challenge assumptions, often leading to powerful learning and “out of the box” thinking.
Reflect on the experience.
Unlike many other simulations, the simulations each include built-in reflection and feedback periods where participants dig deeper into their own assumptions about change and talk about how their decisions in the game impacted the results. This is key to integrating the learning into the day-to-day reality so new knowledge and skills can be put into real-life practice.
Making Change Happen
The foundation of the Change Leadership Series, Making Change Happen™, aka “The Change Game”, introduces participants to the concepts of change for individuals. Based on three streams of empirical research (the Concerns-Based adoption model – CBAM, Everett Rogers innovation diffusion research, and the DESSI Study). The engaging and thought-provoking learning experience leads to an understanding of the possibilities and pitfalls of improvement efforts, establishes a shared vocabulary about essential change steps, an appreciation of the differing perspectives of others, and challenges long-standing assumptions. Used extensively throughout the United States and abroad, thousands of individuals have marveled at its ability to “make concrete and real” the ambiguous task of bringing about change in schools and organizations of all types.
Making Change prepares participants for the deeper learning of the next game in the series, Systems Thinking, Systems Changing™, which extends learnings about change for individuals to a broader organizational context.
Systems Thinking; Systems Changing
More complex than Making Change Happen, Systems Thinking, Systems Changing™ digs deeper into the change process and introduces the complexity of diverse stakeholders and organizational realities. Building upon the foundational research undergirding the “Change Game”, it introduces Peter Senge’s Systems Thinking concepts, Continuous Process Improvement, and general research on teamwork, communication, and problem solving in groups. Its design helps organization members create and sustain work environments that routinely use the tools of continuous improvement to realize their vision, enhance their chosen outcomes, and increase the effectiveness of all participants. By beginning to adopt a systems thinking mindset, participants prepare themselves for the next and most complex game in the series, Networking for Learning.
Contact us to see if these simulations might be a fit for your group or organization!
Follow us on Instagram: @SystemsChangeSims
Follow us on Twitter: @SystmChangeSims
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