It has been a busy few weeks with travel to South Carolina, Hawaii and Tennessee the past few weeks. Some updates on what we’ve been working on!

Presenting 8 Paradigm Shifts in Health Education in Hawaii!
HYPE Program, Columbia South Carolina
Eat Smart Move More SC contracted with me to update and revise their HYPE Program (after-school program targeting urban youth). We included alignment to the National Health Education Standards, updates on current terminology and increased amount of engaging activities. I traveled to SC to work with their small, but enthusiastic, passionate team to train on a Train the Trainers model to equip the team with skills and knowledge necessary to train their adult leaders in the communities they serve. I really appreciated the in person time to connect with this team and enjoyed my first trip to Columbia SC!

Jamie Sparks talking about school health advocacy in Hawaii.
HAHPERD and LMAS, Hawaii
Jamie Sparks and I travel to Oahu and Maui for a week to both work and play! Jamie was asked to keynote the HAHPERD conference, a conference focused on providing professional development to health and PE educators. We both presented sessions at the event, mine on the 8 Paradigm Shifts in Health Education and Jamie’s on School Health Advocacy. The following weekend, Jamie lead a dozen or so teachers through Let’s Move Active Schools Physical Activity Leader (PAL) training. This training supports teachers implementing Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs at their schools… basically setting them up to successfully offer 60 minutes a day of physical activity within the school environment.

New LMAS PAL trainers in Maui, Hawaii!

Jess keynoting in TN.
Tennessee Coordinated School Health Conference (CSH), TN
I had the opportunity to keynote a fabulous conference in Murfreesboro TN last week. With over 400 participants and CSH Coordinators from each of their districts, I enjoyed seeing colleagues and meeting many new peers. I facilitated a 3 hour pre-conference on the Foundations of Health Education, keynoted my #DoSomethingExtraordinary keynote that tells the story of my 4197 mile bicycle journey across the US in 2013 and how lessons learned on that journey related to being a school health champion and I facilitated a workshop on how to create sustainable school health programs.
Robert Wood Johnson Event, Lexington KY
RWJF facilitated a listening session in Kentucky to learn more about the programs, practices, partnerships and policies in our state that support or inhibit the health and well-being of Kentuckians. They were there to learn to better understand the stem, social and economic factors that influence health and equity. There were stakeholders from all areas of industry, including education, business, government and non-profit. After a nice framing the state of health in KY presentation by Dr. Stephanie Mayfield, Commissioner of Public Health, we broke into working sessions focused on specific content areas such as healthy eating, physical activity, economic development and education. It was an engaging process that culminated in each of the break out groups sharing 5 bold action steps for Kentucky and opportunities for networking and relationship building. Thank you to RWJF for coming to Kentucky to learn more!
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