What is the Dove Self-Esteem Project?
Over the years, Cairn Guidance and the Dove Self-Esteem Project have worked to share no-cost, body confidence resources for educators working with 11-14 year old students in schools. The Dove Self-Esteem Project aims to encourage the next generation to have a positive relationship with the way they look, inside and out.
Available no-cost materials include: Confident Me!, Proud to Be Me, My Hair My CROWN, and Celebrándome.
To receive any of the Dove Self-Esteem no-cost materials please complete the reach form below.
What are the learning objectives for each Confident Me! lesson?

Single Lesson
In this lesson students will:
- Understand the concept of appearance ideals and where pressure to achieve them comes from
- Analyze the influences that create pressure to achieve appearance ideals
- Build media literacy skills by exploring how images and messages are often manipulations of the truth
- Challenge appearance ideals by setting a goal to build body confidence

Lesson 1
In this lesson students will:
- Understand the concept of appearance ideals and where the pressure to achieve them comes from
- Analyze external influences related to body confidence

Lesson 2
In this lesson students will:
- Develop media literacy skills by exploring how images and messages, from advertising to movies and social media, are often manipulations of the truth.
- Understand that it is pointless to compare themselves to images in media because the images often promote appearance ideals in order to sell people products and services.
- Set a goal to challenge and reject media images and messages that

Lesson 3
In this lesson students will:
- Understand that comparing looks to individuals and media images is automatic and part of human nature
- Identify the ways in which the process of comparing looks often has negative consequences for themselves and their friends
- Analyze the impact of comparing ourselves to others
- Develop new ways to respond to comparison situations that have positive outcomes for themselves and the people around them

Lesson 4
In this lesson students will:
- Understand what is meant by body talk and why people engage in conversations about appearance Recognize the problems body talk can cause
- Develop strategies for addressing negative body talk
- Identify what is unique about yourself and how you feel about it
- Set a goal to increase positive body talk and decrease the negative body talk with yourself or friends

Lesson 5
In this lesson students will:
- Engage in an activity to review concepts learned in the program
- Advocate for body confidence

Lesson 6
In this lesson students will:
- Describe how appearance ideals contribute to discrimination;
- Define forms of discrimination that exist in society and describe the impact of them on mental health, primarily body confidence;
- As upstanders, explore ways to address discrimination based on physical characteristics; and
- Advocate for solutions that create a more inclusive community where everyone feels belongingness, supported, celebrated, and encouraged to contribute.
Other Available Resources:
1. 31-Day Calendar
Here is a link to download or share a thirty-one-day calendar that is designed to increase student knowledge and skills related to health and wellness through the lens of body image and acceptance. When sharing the Dove Self-Esteem Project Calendar with students and their parents/guardians, please feel free to use this letter so they are equipped with background information and best practices to utilize the calendar prompts.
2. Mini Lessons for Distance Learning
These lessons are designed to help parents, mentors or guardians continue to support their child’s development of positive self-esteem and body confidence in a home learning context. The lessons explore appearance pressures, manipulation of appearance by professional and social media, and how youth can challenge these pressures and build their resilience.
Ultimately, by working through these lessons, their exploration leads them to affirm what makes them unique and helps them feel comfortable in their own skin.
To receive any of the Dove Self-Esteem no-cost materials, email samantha@cairnguidance.com